Rezakkah is a Personal Trainer certified by the American Council on Exercise. Prior to that she worked as an exercise teacher at Women’s World. She holds a B.A. in Behavioral Science from Lesley College, and has been a dancer for 20 years.
Rezakkah’s personal training is perfect for people over 40 who want to regain the range of motion, flexibility, coordination and balance of their youth. Her mission is to help people understand and love their bodies, no matter what their age or condition, and to feel more comfortable and alive.
While she teaches regular exercise, Rezakkah emphasizes integrative and natural movement patterns that help body memory reestablish good posture and ease of movement. She also teaches people how to breathe more fully to increase vitality and mental function. Her training helps people become more aware and responsive to the information from the body's senses.
Rezakkah has experience with clients of all ages and fitness levels. Her workouts are safe, dynamic, personalized, varied and fun!
During self-massage lessons, Rezakkah teaches you how to apply easy and effective massage techniques to your own body.